The KiezDeutsch-Korpus
KiDKo/LL is an addition to the KiezDeutsch-Korpus (KiDKo).
The corpus assembles photos of written language productions in public space from the context of Kiezdeutsch, for instance love notes on walls, park benches, and playgrounds, graffiti in house entrances, and scribbled messages on toilet walls.
You can query the KiDKo/LL corpus by using the search menu to the right.
You can look for specific terms, annotated tags and combinations of tags.
Data type
spontaneous, written data, captured through photos, tagged for
- photographer
- language(s)
- place (city, quarter, street)
- object (wall, toilet door,...)
- date of shot
- original text
- translated text
- text in standard writing
- key words
- linguistic phenomenon