Welcome to the Phonetics/Phonology section of the Media Repository of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin! Here you will find corpora published by us. For further information about the Chair of Phonetics/Phonology (Prof. Dr. Mooshammer) please visit the website https://www.linguistik.hu-berlin.de/de/institut/professuren/phonetik.
Note: Links to the documentation of a corpus can be found in the metadata of each file of a corpus under the metadata "DOI of documentation".
For full access to the corpora licensed for scientific purposes you can either apply for an account or get a link to download them.
To do so, write an email to phonetik-labor.german@hu-berlin.de with your name, affiliation and research purpose. For a download link, also specify the desired corpus.
You are on the ResourceSpace-Server of the Media Repository. It is in a test phase and under development. Submitters are responsible to respect the copyright of their submitted content.