Welcome on the Media Repository of the co2libri initiaitve!
The co2libri project - conceptual collaboration living borderless research interaction - brings together researchers from the social sciences and humanities who are addressing the challenge of the decolonisation of the academic world.
Too many thinkers and knowledge producers from marginalised regions of the so-called "Global South" and from minority and diaspora contexts (migrants, dissidents, etc.) continue to be under-appreciated in the general public and in academic discussion. Their contributions to theory building and emancipatory practice are hardly known and are only read in certain contexts. This reflects the unequal geopolitics of knowledge production, which is still oriented towards concepts and theory-building from the global North.
As postcolonial, decolonial and other critics have long argued, the dominance of conceptual and institutional Eurocentrism in global scholarship and knowledge production needs to be overcome. Indeed, the project of rewriting the humanities and social sciences by integrating important references and contributions from the global South (and minority perspectives in the North) has only just begun. The way forward is a common endeavour to overcome the dichotomies of North/South and centre/periphery, while incorporating the generative possibilities of a true "conceptual collaboration" into academic research practice.
The project brings together an interdisciplinary, trans-regionally oriented group of researchers from Latin America, Europe, South Asia, the MENA region and Australia who have long pursued an inclusive and pluralising intellectual agenda alongside their academic partners. Building on these experiences, we aim to contribute to the project of decentering and decolonising the social sciences and humanities and diversifying their points of departure.