RDM training materials: "Research Data Management: A Crash Course"

Resource ID
Bres, Ewa Elizabeth; Bittner, Christian
Geeignet für...
online, präsenz
Einführungskurs, Schulung, Workshop
Präsentationsfolien, Schulungskonzept
Forschende (PostDoc), Promovierende, Studierende (Master)
Backup, Datenmanagementplan, Dokumentation, Drittmittelanträge, Grundlagen, Langzeitarchivierung, Metadaten, Nachnutzung, Open Science, Ordnung und Struktur, Policies, Publikation, Rechtliche Aspekte, Repositorien, Speicherung, Tools, Zugriffssicherheit
Anzahl der Teilnehmenden
Anzahl der Lehrenden
3 Stunden bis 1 Tag
Metadaten, Dokumentation, Forschungsdatenmanagement, FDM, Research Data Management, Open Science, RDM, DMP, data management plan, data publication, documentation, Research Data, FAIR data principles, Metadata, Projektplanung, Project planning, Project organisation, Project documentation, Data archiving
21 June 2024
This publication contains a complete, introductory Research Data Management (RDM) course aimed at early career researchers coming from all scientific disciplines.
This course is conducted by the Research Data Service Center at the University of Bonn since 2021 both as an in-person and online workshop.
Online up to approx. 35 participants, presence up to approx. 25 participants
The provided presentations are divided into four main topics that encompass the following learning objectives:
Part A: Introduction to RDM (what are "research data", what is "research data management", RDM in the research project life cycle, a summary of the benefits of RDM),
Part B: RDM in Project Planning (RDM (funder) requirements, contents of a data management plan, finding and re-using research data, legal aspects of RDM (copyright, data protection)),
Part C: RDM in Project Execution (organising and documenting research data, metadata, storage and security of research data),
Part D: RDM in Project Completion (publishing and archiving of research data, licenses).
Each part is available as a separate slide deck (as a .pdf and .pptx file).
Accompanying the slide deck are exercise materials:
"Data Management Plan" exercise in Part B
"How FAIR is the dataset?" exercise in Part B (2 files, one for participants coming from the life and natural sciences, the other for participants from the social sciences and humanities)
"The Devil's Advocate" exercise in Part D
All exercises are provided as .docx files.
Accompanying the slide deck and the exercise materials is a readme file describing the dataset.
Please note that throughout the presentations, links to internal Confluence pages of the University of Bonn are listed as further reading resources (for example the Research Data Service Center Confluence Space pages or the "HRZ-Doku" of the University IT and Data Center). These pages can only be accessed from the University of Bonn network or via a VPN tunnel.
Throughout the presentations, images generated with the help of the AI DALL·E are used. It is indicated on the slides if an image was generated by the DALL·E AI.
The DALL·E images, in their original format, are also available as a separate publication (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11147887).
If other, external images are used in the presentations, their licensing information is provided next to the respective image.
License information:
Unless otherwise stated, the presentations and their content are subject to the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 International License.
The accompanying exercise materials are subject to the Creative Commons CC-0 1.0 Universal License.